I built my current B engine up on a stand from Harbor Freight It
came with a bunch of bolts and adapters. I bought some bolts from the
local Gibson's ran 'em into the rear plate holes in the block with
pieces of pipe & washers to even things up. When it came time to
install the rear plate I took it off the stand and set it on a small,
low rolling engine cart. Finished it up on the cart. Got that cart
from HF too but I can't find it on their site now. It's a square
cross-section pipe frame on casters with angle iron uprights at the
corners for the bottom of the block to rest on. Handy tool, easy to rol
around. I left the engine on the cart until I mated the tranny to it.
james.f.juhas@snet.net wrote:
> I currently have two B engines on stands, one bolted through the back plate
>and the other in to the back plate bolt holes. (No back plate on that one). I
>use the largest bolts that will fit. It seems light-duty but it's really
>quite sturdy. The same stands and bolts have also held my Mustang 5.0 engine.
> Jim
> MGA #311
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "W. David Houser" <mgs4dave@tampabay.rr.com>
> Subj: [Mgs] MGB engine stand hookup
> Date: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:51 am
> Size: 487 bytes
> To: "mgs@autox.team.net List" <mgs@autox.team.net>
> Listers,
> Want to start rebuilding a 74 MGB engine that I have and bought an
> engine stand from Harbor Freight(I know).
> What size long bolts do I need to secure the engine to the tripod
> rolling stand? Where do I bolt it to?
> Who's been here already and can shed some tips?
> Cheers,
> Dave Houser
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