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Re: [Mgs] [Mgb-v8] Kendall Oil

To: "Max Heim" <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] [Mgb-v8] Kendall Oil
From: "Larry Daniels" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:39:30 -0500
Interesting enough is that Brad Penn IS the old Kendall.  The old company 
sold off the refinery to American Refining Group who now operate it as Brad 
Penn.  The old owners also sold the name "Kendall" to Conoco Phillips who 
label their own concoction as Kendall.  I guess it's buyer beware.  That is 
why I buy Brad Penn.

Unfortunately, NFI. ;-))

Larry Daniels

From: "Max Heim" <>
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 3:59 PM
To: "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] [Mgb-v8] Kendall Oil

> Well, they (Kendall) have spec sheets that show zinc and phosphorus 
> content
> as a percentage of weight, which is essentially useless (how much does a
> quart of oil weigh? It's sold by volume...). Are they being deliberately
> obscure?
> I looked at the sheet for GT-1 High Performance Motor Oil. It said the 
> 20w50
> grade ONLY had "additional" ZDDP, but it didn't say how much, and the %
> figures made no distinction between grades. At any rate, it can't be a
> significant amount, since it stated the oil still meets new car warranty
> requirements.
> What we are looking for, essentially, is an oil that DOESN'T meet new car
> warranty requirements (i.e. too much ZDDP for the catalytic converter to
> handle). This is the problem -- who would market such a product? 
> Specialized
> outfits like Brad Penn, I suppose.
> --
> Max Heim
> '66 MGB GHN3L76149
> If you're near Mountain View, CA,
> it's the primer red one with chrome wires
> on 9/21/09 12:27 PM, Barrie Robinson at wrote:
>> They told me to go to their web site and they did give me PPM figure
>> but I cannot recall what it was.  I have their brochure but no mention of 
>> PPM
>> At 11:25 AM 9/21/2009, Paul Hunt wrote:
>>> So what does that mean in terms of quantity?  There are any number
>>> of claims out there that A has more than B, but until someone starts
>>> specifying how much, and producing documentation to prove it, they
>>> are meaningless.
>>> PaulH.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>  I chatted to the Kendall Oil bloke at their both.  He said they
>>>> had 50% more ZDDP (dialkyldithiophosphate - and you thought I
>>>> couldn't spell!) than anyone else
>> Regards
>> Barrie
>> (705) 721-9060
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