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To: David Breneman <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] OFF TOPIC - COMPUTERS
From: Steve <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 11:51:30 -0400
When the conversation topic heads towards "vi", its going to become a
religious argument.  Can't we talk about something more civil like
what kind of oil to use?

- Steve

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 11:37 AM, David Breneman<>
> --- On Fri, 7/3/09, Steve <> wrote:
>> > Linux has some benefits but I would only recommend it
>> to fairly computer
>> > literate people with time on their hands to play with
>> it (unless they
>> > are doing the bare minimum of tasks, say web access
>> only).
> Funny, that's exactly my take on Windows.  There are some
> applications that will only run on Windows, and I use it
> for that.  Mototola Phone Tools is one, my 35mm film
> scanner is another.  But when I boot up the machine in
> Windows, I always disconnect it from the outside network.
> Maybe it's because I've been a Unix sysadmin since the late
> 80s, and never touched a PC until about 1992, that I
> just find PCs counter-intuitive and maddeningly complex
> in the way they do what should be simple tasks (like
> why, fergawdsake, do you have to access a menu, or
> use double keystrokes, to cut and paste text?!?!?).
> And why did IBM decide to move the <CAP LOCK> key to the
> place the <SCAPE> key always occupied?  Sure makes using
> vi a pain with the butt with <ESCAPE> in northern Siberia.
> To each his own.
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