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Re: [Mgs] Optional MGB tool kit question

To: "davewillner" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Optional MGB tool kit question
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 15:34:35 +0100
According to Clausager the toolkit was confined to 'the barest minimum' and
originally consisted of a jack and box-spanner with tommy-bar for the plugs.
Disc-wheeled cars had a lever for removing the hub cap and a spanner for the
wheel nuts.  Wire-wheeled cars had a copper or alloy-headed hammer for eared
spinners, or an octagonal spanner for octagonal spinners.  All were contained
in a PVC-covered felt bag.  The hub-cap lever was deleted in 1970 when the
wheels changed to Rostyles, as was the plug-spanner and tommy-bar.  The bag
changed to plastic around 1975.  So, much less than what you remember reading,
that may have been for a model earlier than the MGB, unless more was
dealer-provided in certain markets.

Clausager has pictures of a 64 jack and alloy-headed hammer minus plug-spanner
and tommy-bar, and a 73 jack and wheel-nut spanner, with bags in both cases,
but I doubt they would add much to the above description!

  ----- Original Message -----

  I thought I had read once there were optional tool kits available at one
  point, not sure if they were a factory or dealer option.
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