This is exactly why a big fat auxiliary ground cable from the battery
straight to the engine is a Really Good Idea...
'74 MGB Tourer back from the body shop
On Aug 29, 2008, at 8:57 AM, wrote:
> From: Dan DiBiase <>
> I replaced the cracked positive battery clamp, and had the battery
> charged and tested. It tested fine. So, I reinstalled it and
> tried cranking it. The engine spun normally the first time I tried
> it, but didn't fire. When I tried again, I got the 'clicking' sound,
> and subsequent efforts had the same result. In addition, the fuel
> pump seems to be making a 'humming' sound, versus the
> normal intermittent clicking. It was working normally previously,
> and the fuel filter is full of gas. I am going to hook the car
> back up to my van this week-end, just for sh*ts and giggles.
> I am wondering if it could be the ground strap on the transmission's
> rear mount (crossmember). It seems to be that I had some
> difficulty with that one, remembering how it went (didn't have a
> good picture). What other grounds are there that could be
> causing this issue?
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