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Re: [Mgs] Pertronix and overheating in MGA

To: "mgs" <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Pertronix and overheating in MGA
From: "Bob Donahue" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2008 16:01:13 -0400
My understanding is that there is no longer any dwell adjustment after the 
Pertronix is installed. Timing is the only thing you have to worry about, 
and once set it shouldn't change. I've been using the Pertronix in both my 
TD and MGB for many years now. The only problem I've had is, I didn't leave 
enough slack in the Pertronix wires inside the B's distributor. The leads 
rubbed against the rotor and wore through. (I was able to fix this by 
splicing.) This could also happen by pulling on the wires coming from the 

Bob Donahue (Still Stuck in the '50s)
Email -
Cars:       52 MGTD - #17639
               71 MGB - #GHN5UB254361
Member:  NEMGTR #11470
               NAMGBR # 7-3336
               Hoosier MGB Club
               Olde Octagons of Indiana

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W. David Houser" <>
To: "MG List" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 12:20 PM
Subject: [Mgs] Pertronix and overheating in MGA

> Listers,
> The engine was way too far advanced
> Many thanks for the responses. The results of the timing check are as
> follows: The previous setting was 20 degrees BTDC at low idle and with
> vacuum off and plugged. The new reading after Pertronix was 30
> degrees, and performed the same way. The dwell was also a surprise.
> The dwell meter had been bench calibrated. The Pertronix dwell was
> only 40 degrees, versus the desired 60. Pertronix has not yet responded.
> Dave Houser
Support Team.Net

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