Naw it was Lucas, they invented it right after they invented the world's
first self dimming headlight.
(Hint: go back and read the last sentence of my first post)
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 7:54 PM, Martin C. Galan <batangelias@yahoo.com>
> Just a point of clarification was it not Robert Kearns (
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54564-2005Feb25.html) or a
> certain Mr. Harada from Japan who have a greater claim to inventing the
> intermittent wiper?
> *Richard Ewald <richard.ewald@gmail.com>* wrote:
> I don't have a parts source for you, but this made me recall that Lucas
> invented the intermittent wiper. Works fine on sunny days, doesn't work in
> the rain.
> > Okay, same question about the wiper stalk switch
> > assembly. And yes, its broken too. Works okay in hot
> > weather but fails on cold rainy days. You know, the
> > kinds of days when you need wipers!
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