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Re: [Mgs] Non -starter 74 Midget

To: "dave houser" <>, "MGs" <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Non -starter 74 Midget
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 15:18:26 -0000
Does the ignition warning light normally come on with the ignition and is it 
still doing so?

If so connect a timing light to the coil lead and watch for flashing when 
cranking.  If not you need to check the coil +ve for 12v all the time, and 
the -ve switching between 12v and ground when cranking.

If so, connect it to each plug lead and try again.  If no flashing on the 
plug leads the cap and/or rotor is breaking down.  If flashing on each lead 
point the timing light at the crank pulley when on No.1 and check it is 
flashing a few degrees BTDC i.e. the timing hasn't slipped.

If that's OK it is probably fuel.  After cranking for a bit, especially with 
the choke out, it will probably have flooded the points, in which case you 
will smell the fuel even before you get the timing light out.  But if no 
external fuel smell take out plugs 1 and 4.  They should smell strongly of 
fuel but not be wet (flooded).  If flooded, and the ignition checks out, 
push the choke home, crank with the throttle wide open, and be ready to 
release the throttle and half-pull the choke when it catches.

If no fuel smell no fuel is getting through.  If the 74 has an electric fuel 
pump maybe that has stopped working, although normally there should be 
enough left in the float chambers to start ('starts but immediately quit' 
noted), and normally one would be aware that it hadn't clicked when turning 
on the ignition.


----- Original Message ----- 
> Friend called to ask for help with a problem on his 74 Midget. Car
> running like a champ two days ago. All of a sudden it's quits
> immediately on him. Can't coax it to start again. 
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