It's an easy swap, and certainly worth doing.
Mounts are the same, drive shaft is the same for the 'later' cars.
Shaft measurements are puzzling. See Paul Hunt's site for discussion on
this topic.
Earliest MGBs used a toggle switch on the dash; later cars the
windshield wiper switch did wipers and OD, and from 410001 the switch was
in the shift knob. Some say that the wiring in the shift knob can be
troublesome. You can wire it any way you like, though, as the ODs get
their power through one wire from the switch.
By 1980 there was some sort of 3rd gear lockout so that OD would not
operate in third. Somewhere in the USA is probably a car that still has
this feature. You can ignore it.
On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 17:58:08 +0000 writes:
> If I get my hands on an overdrive transmission to swap into my 80B,
> how easy is that? Other than having ot get the wiring harness and
> new shifter, does it just swap in or are there different mounts,
> drive shaft, etc?
> John Hed
> 80 B-LE (non-OD!)
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