You do realize that the clerk who you are tormenting is not the one that set
the prices.
It is obvious that you have never worked at a retail store, or you would not
do such a thing to someone that is probably making just above minimum wage.
Boy I bet you feel proud of this action. What a great humanitarian thing to
share on Christmas. :: Rolls eyes:::
This rates right up there with tormenting a waitress about the menu prices.
It is to the clerk's credit that they don't tell you to go pound sand up
your ass.
Before you try this stunt again, may I suggest you work for 3 months or so
(Preferably just before Christmas) in a retail store and then come back and
tell us just how "funny" this is.
On Dec 24, 2007 10:58 PM, Barrie Robinson <> wrote:
> I get extremely annoyed at this 999.999 price list business. Every
> damn price tag is in the 99999 class - I mean how dumb do they think
> we are. SO this is the ploy I use to get back at these stupid price
> tags. I go into a shop to buy something and tell the clerk that I
> find 9999 prices offensive and insulting - so I want him to show me
> whatever (shirts, tools, etc etc) but if he/she gives any price in
> 99999 I will walk out and NOT buy anything. So then the fun begins
> !!! He/she will struggle to quote $50 instead of $49.99 etc etc. I
> allow one mistake but on the second - I look at the number of goodies
> I was going to buy....and walk out - to return next day IF I have
> seen anything I really want. It is tremendous fun! I continually
> fight this insane doohickey and call people idiots when they quote me
> in 999999999. Isn't it about time we put a stop to this - As MG
> people we should lead the way !!!!
> There are houses here that are advertised at $399,999.99 - I kid you not
> !!!!!!
> Regards
> Barrie
> Barrie Robinson
> (705) 721-9060
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