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Re: [Mgs] brake bleeding question

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] brake bleeding question
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 10:57:59 +0100
With both my cars I have to use a 2-stage process.  First fill and 
low-pressure bleed either with the pedal and a one-way valve on the 
slaves/calipers, or a Gunsons EeziBleed (which doesn't need the valve as it 
is a continuous flow process).  However that always leaves me with a long 
pedal that pumps up, but then goes long again after just a few seconds.  the 
2nd stage is to get someone to stand on the pedal while I rapidly open and 
close each caliper nipple in turn.  This always gets an extra 'lump' of air 
out, and after that it is fine - i.e. virtually no difference in pedal 
'length' between one pump and several.


----- Original Message ----- 
> So I guess my question is, how should the brake pedal feel after I'm done
> with each brake. 

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