--- bill <bilking@comcast.net> wrote:
> I had the same problem. I broke an axle. I put in a MGB rear
> differential unit and axles into my MGA housing, something I wanted
> to
> do anyway for the different ratio. I donated my remaining good
> axle to
> Jim Knight of British Racing Green. (www.brgparts.com). If that is
> your
> problem give Jim a call, he is a good guy.
That's interesting -- and certainly a lot cheaper than
trying to find another 3.9 differential. :-( I had
thought that if just one wheel was "disconnected" I'd
hear more churning from the differential as the "pumpkin"
turns around and around inside the case. Did your car
have wire wheels?
David Breneman david_breneman@yahoo.com
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