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Re: MGs to be built in USA

To: <>
Subject: Re: MGs to be built in USA
From: "Rick Brown" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 16:56:14 -0400
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barney Gaylord" <>
To: "David Breneman" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 16:20
Subject: Re: MGs to be built in USA

> At 10:39 AM 7/12/06, David Breneman wrote:
>>--- "Blake J. Discher" <> wrote:
>>  > Automobile Group of China on Wednesday announced that it is >
>> planning to revive one of Great Britain's historic brands -- MG -- 
>> and build cars at a plant in Oklahoma.
> I am trying to be optimistic about all this and view it as a
> continuation of the long term history and heritage of MG.  At least
> give the Chinese credit for recognizing the merits of the MG brand
> and intending to continue it.  For now I'm happy that it is not just
> forever dead.
> Barney Gaylord
> 1958 MGA with an attitude
Also I give the Chinese kudos for bringing the marque to the US which the 
Brits should have done in the first place - maybe they would not have gone 


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