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Re: Ethanol in the Gas

Subject: Re: Ethanol in the Gas
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:06:17 -0400
Hi Bob,
   The MG engines will run fine with the ethanol.  It has high anti-knock
qualities, though there is less energy in a pound of the stuff than there
is in real gasoline.  So you trade off cooler-burning and improved
exhaust valve life for greater fuel consumption.  It's OK overall.
    I've read in a number of places that the alcohol that's such a good
solvent for inks and other things is also a solvent for some of the
gaskets and hoses we have in the old cars.  I know it does a good job of
hardening & cracking the diaphrams that  Tecumseh used on its lawn
equipment motors, having replaced three of them in the past six months.  
   Alcohol has been in USA fuel for a decade but I believe the % in the
mix has been increased recently as it is used to replace or supplement
the MBTE (MTBE?) that has been withdrawn.  About all one can do is to
keep a watch on the fuel lines, carb and fuel pump.  If the rubber is
old, it's a good time to fit new hoses before prime driving season
anyway.  While it may be a problem, it's not a bad one, nor
insurmountable, so don't worry much about it. 

On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 20:43:53 -0400 Robert Alan Reisse
<> writes:
> One of the causes of the recent gasoline shortages was the recent 
> conversion of the gas formulation from MBTG (?) to adding ethanol. 
> One commentator on our local news said that this should not be a 
> problem for cars that are at less than 25 or 30 years old.
> As both of my MGs are at least that old do we have a problem?
> Thanks
> Bob Reisse
> 76 MGB
> 69 MGC GT

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