On Feb 24, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Dan DiBiase wrote:
> Paul Root <ptroot@iaces.com> wrote:Now, I'm thinking of more
> visual. I have a love/hate thing going on with
> the bumper. Sometimes, yeah, they're ok. Of course, way overweight.
> Other times, I want that chrome grill.
> So I've got an eBay chrome grill. It's got a little dent in it, that
> I think I could push out from behind, when I get to it. And I got a
> Barrie stainless mesh set for it. Again, when I get to it. The chrome
> uprights for it are still in good shape, but that's just too much
> chrome
> for me.
> That leads to the bumper. I've eyed this for quite sometime:
> http://www.morspeedperformance.com
> Paul, not sure which one you're looking at - the one with the built-
> in spolier, or the stock replica
I'm thinking the modified one. If I don't go there, I'd get one of
the spoilers.
> Personally, I don't mind the look of the stockers. If I had the
> money to spend on my '76 (which I don't, it's all going to go to
> the '65!), I would seriously consider the stock replicas. You'd
> lose a LOT of weight front and rear that way, while retaining a
> look that is okay with me. Heck, I might even paint 'em satin black...
> That said, I also like the modified bumper with the spoiler built
> in. But I'm wondering how it would look way up in the air on an RB,
> with the raised ride height.... If you went that way, you'd have to
> do something to the rear, to balance it off..... Any thoughts on that?
Haven't thought about the back. My bonus wouldn't cover both
ends. :-) But I suppose, losing the weight up
front and not in back might not be great.
As to ride height, I've thought of lowering it as well, but I kind of
like being able to slide under the car
to change oil, etc. without ramps or jackstands.
> BTW, if you think the Pinewood Derby is a lot of work (which it
> certainly is) trying running a Boy Scout Troop! Being Cubmaster was
> a lot less work than being Committee Chairman of a
> Troop.................. Gotta go out and stick up flyers for our
> upcoming Pancake Breakfast, then do our Recharter, then try and do
> some of my "real" job!
I do know. Back before we had kids, I was Scoutmaster of a new Troop
at our church. I keep in touch with
a few of them, and that Troop is doing very well. My oldest just
transitioned to the Troop at school.
Meanwhile, I'm cubmaster, and defacto Committee Chair and Den Leader.
A bit of a crisis. Apparently, I'm
a baby sitter for some parents. I do have a new Committee chair, but
shortly after she signed up, she had
some health issues. I'm hoping they are cleared up now, and things
can progress.