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Re: Thanks for the advice- sputtering 74 MGB

Subject: Re: Thanks for the advice- sputtering 74 MGB
From: "S. Allen" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 13:54:49 -0500
You can also do the opposite as in swap in points on the side of the road if
the Petronix goes bad...

That said, there is a situation where you may want to go to a Petronix: if
your dizzy bushings are worn and you're not ready to do a re-build.  Of
course not having to deal with failing condensors are a selling point in my
book too...

~Scott Allen
52 TD
74 1/2 BGT

On 1/5/06, <> wrote:
> William,
> If i had to guess, i bet an informal survey of the list would find it
> split about 50-50 between Pertronix and regular points.  Obviously, both
> systems are reliable if maintained properly, but you can swap out bad
> on the side of the road.  Currently, I have some sort of Piranha EI in my
> MGB and it works fine, but i did not install it.  If it ever goes bad, i
> will probably replace it with the Pertronix unit.
> If i were you, i would probably repair the stock ignition and see if it
> fixes the problem.  Then think about a change to the Pertronix.
> Good luck,
> donny v
> 1978 MGB

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