The temp gauge didn't work in my MGB when I got it, so I tie wrapped a small
cooking thermometer to the upper radiator hose. Gave me a good approximation
of the water temp, and I could drive around with it in place. No need to
loosen a hot radiator cap. (BTW - turned out to be a faulty temperature
Good luck!
donny v
1978 MGB
In a message dated 11/28/2005 9:32:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
The MGA temp gauge is a mechanical gauge. It is possible that the
gauge has lost its charge of ether and needs rebuilding. But test before
fearing the worst. Fire up the engine and drive the car for a mile.
Then release radiator pressure and poke a regular thermometer into the
radiator water. Compare the thermometer to the gauge. If their readings
are similar, the gauge is OK and thermostat is suspect.
There is no harm done by driving with a dead gauge as long as the
engine temp stays within normal range. Without the gauge you don't know
that, unfortunately.