Here's what worked for me when the clutch in my Midget was slipping
badly and I put it away for the winter: we made do with a Chevy C-10
pickup into which someone had installed (badly) a Hurst floor shifter.
As winter went on and on and the nine-foot snowbank closed in on our
driveway, it got to where it took some fore-and-aft movements to get
into the driveway. Then, one day, as I was making this turn, the
shifter locked up. Truck wouldn't go forward, wouldn't go backward, and
I was straddling the road in such a way that traffic couldn't pass.
Five miles to a cross road in either direction. The only thing to do
was to climb under the truck (it was only few degrees below zero) and
disconnect the driveshaft. We sent the truck off to the boneyard that
afternoon and I was pulling the engine in the Midget to change out the
clutch the next morning.
You don't want to do this.
On Nov 20, 2005, at 4:05 PM, Dean T. Lake wrote:
> I'm trying to think what used to work with my ex.