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RE: Whiny alternator

To: "'Keith G.'" <>,
Subject: RE: Whiny alternator
From: "Gosling, Richard B" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 15:18:08 +0100
Sounds like it's on the way out.  Could be the bearings going.  Get another
before it dies - re-conditioned alternators are pretty cheap, particularly
if you hand your old one over in exchange.

I've failed to change over in time more than once before now - on a good
occasion it simply stopped charging, so I had to drive somewhere I could get
a new one without using any electrical items (e.g. lights, and it was
getting dark...) so that the remaining charge in the battery would continue
to power the ignition system.  On a bad occasion the bearing seized and the
alternator wouldn't turn, so there was a very unhappy screaming from the fan
belt.  I removed the fan belt to drive the 3 minutes to somewhere I could
get another alternator, and without the water pump being powered I
overheated in that distance!  On the next occasion I could have sworn that
the new alternator I just fitted was a dud, until the guy from the RAC
pointed out that I'd fitted it fine but hadn't connected it up :(

In the UK (and for my old Spitfire, don't know about the MGB) I actually
found that general motor factors (e.g. Partco, Brown Bros) had re-con
alternators in stock, and cheaper than any Triumph specialist.  Worth
checking out before you either make a long drive to, or pay a lot of postage
from, an MG specialist supplier.

Richard & Nancy ('73 Black Tulip BGT waking very slowly from 11-year

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