On the other hand, coming from Boston originally, I pronounce it Tunnow
with the accent on the o.
Too bad the word has no r's to ignore.
Bill Saidel
Wed, 27 Jul 2005, David Breneman wrote:
> --- Dave Wood <dwood143@comcast.net> wrote:
> > Yes David, it's only you and your Washington accent!
> Linguists tell us that the only thing constituting a
> Washington accent is the proclivity to pronounce T's
> in the middle of words as D's. ie. Seadle, seddle,
> Bridish, pidiful, midigate, etc. Anything else is
> just others judging us against their own accents. :-)
> Anybody saying SeaTle is as conspicuous as someone
> saying Spokain or Oraygone.
> David Breneman david_breneman@yahoo.com