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Re: It gets messy-er - MG/ROVER

Subject: Re: It gets messy-er - MG/ROVER
From: David Breneman <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 21:27:07 -0700 (PDT)
--- wrote:
Since you took this from academics to spirited tavern debate,
I hope you'll excuse me if I argue my point enthusiastically. :-)

> You are dealing in the continuing fallacy of economic theory. 

Well, as someone holding a degree in economics, I guess I'm
prone to being suckered into those fallacies.  I'm sure you
have a much better way of describing human interaction in 
the world.  Tarot cards?  :-)

>  And remember, we're talking WINDFALL  profits that are taxed, 

"Windfall" by whose definition?  The all-knowing, all-
compassionate oracles of government, who are the wisest of
us all?  :-)

> If you were alive at the time of the 70s oil shortage, you
> damn well know there was ZERO time lag

I was alive in the 70s.  I had school teachers who told me that
someone my age would never own a car because all the world's oil
would be gone by 1980.  So much for inelastic supply theories.
I've explained how markets work.  You don't have to believe it.
You don't have to believe in gravity either, but your disbelief
doesn't rescind the laws of nature.  :-)

> Enron 

I love it!  Enron was run by crooks, who are going to jail.
Oh, I forgot - all businessmen are crooks, right?  :-)

> They care only about "shareholder value." 

Sharholders are you and me.  I suppose if they didn't give a
damn about shareholder value, like the crooks at Enron, that
would be alright?  "Cheat your investors" is a good policy?
I don't understand. :-)

> This is fairly far from LBC talk and I am now done.

Fair enough.  Me, too.  But remember my friend (and I *mean*
that - note the smilies above), what I said about the nature 
of markets was not antagonistic nor combative.  It was an
honest explanation of how the world works.  You can look at
the world as it really is, or look at the world as you fear it
might be.  One path leads to understanding, the other leads
to the Art Bell Show.

What say we go down to the Trilateral Commission clubhouse
and have a beer?

Your friend in MGs...

...and, damn, we had some great driving weather here today...

 - Dave

David Breneman
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