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Re: Problem During Deceleration

To: David Macedonia <>,
Subject: Re: Problem During Deceleration
From: James Harwood <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:13:41 -0700 (PDT)
--- David Macedonia <>
> 50 mph in 4th and removing my foot from the gas
> pedal without hitting the 
> brakes), I notice a tendency for the car to pull
> slightly...ever so 
> one side (I can't remember if it's to
> the left or right). 
I noticed this when last driving my B, particularly
when trying to exit the freeway. Gas off, it would
pull to the left (trying to get back on to the
freeway), gas on, it would pull to the right and
accelerate down the off-ramp.

Back then, the wisdom of this list suggested that the
most likely cause would be loose U-bolts around the
back axle to leaf spring interface. The rubber pads go
squishy (tech term) and the whole thing gets loose
causing the unwanted rear end stearing. 

Not sure if your restoration included back axle
removal, you may want to think about replacing those
pads for prothane ones perhaps. But certainly check
that the U-bolts are tightened up.

'74 B - still in lotsa bits

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