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Re: squeal

To: "MonteMorris" <>, "MG list" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: squeal
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 13:26:18 -0000
Normally a slack belt reveals itself when blipping the throttle either at a
standstill or to start pulling away.  I suppose the conditions when changing
down causes a sudden rise in engine revs could well do the same.  Checking
the tension/play would seem the obvious step.

Pulling one way then appearing to pull the other (but actually only pulling
straight again) has been caused by a lazy caliper piston in my experience -
it would be a left one in your case.  Sometimes you can see this by removing
both front wheels and pressing the pistons back into the calipers (watch for
the master overflowing) then slowly and gradually applying the brake and
seeing how each of them move.  They will probably always move at slightly
different times, but if you have one that doesn't start moving until the
other three are pressed onto the disc that is the likely culprit.  Then
again removing the pads and exercising them back and fore a couple of times
might clear it anyway.


----- Original Message -----
From: "MonteMorris" <>
To: "MG list" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:58 AM
Subject: squeal

> Recently when I downshift I sometimes hear a brief squeal. Is this most
> likely the fan belt?
> Also, today I washed the 79B and this evening the brakes are pulling to
> right when I first step on the peddle and then immediately to the left The
> brakes are stopping the car as usual. The temperature here is about 25F.
> Could this be the front caliper pistons freezing up?

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