That must be why I sit in Washington, DC traffic for so $#%&!*@ long
trying to get around accidents! Washington Circle has got to be one of
the worst...eight entrance/exits with three to four lanes that no one
pays attention to! Add taxi's, buses, motorcades and the on going line
of ambulances going to the GW hospital sitting on the edge of the
circle! What a mess. They say that they designed Washington with the
circles to discourage enemies marching into the city. All I know is it
frustrates the %^$*^%# out of me and everyone else!
David Breneman said:
A town near where I live is going roundabout crazy. There is no
accepted protocol for using these things in this part of the
country. You have people cutting each other off, changing
lanes, etc. Some roundabouts have two lanes both turning right
into them with no indication of who is to go where. I'm afraid
to take my MGA anywhere near them. The Wall Street Journal
published an article about the roundabout craze a couple years ago
and determined that the average US traffic light or 4-way-stop
controlled intersection that is replaced by a roundabout
suffers a 700% increase in accidents.
Scott and Spot