In a message dated 26/12/2004 11:03:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
I've never owned a non-synchro MGB but I have owned several early 50's
vintage Dodge and Ford products. The technique taught to me is called
"double clutching". You stop momentarily in neutral when shifting down from
second to first. While in neutral you attempt to match the engine speed to
the engine speed you will obtain once you are actually in first according to
your road speed.
Double clutching is so much second nature to me that I do it without
thinking about it. One of the young guys in the Fiero group asked me what the
I was doing and I had to think about it a minute before I figured out what he
was talking about.
I guess having most of my formative years driving an MGA with dubious
synchros and then racing cars with the same gearbox has made double clutching
second nature - when the Lamborghini box is a bit slow (I haven't pulled it out
renew the synchros yet) I just match revs and everything works like it was a
big MG.
The sad thing is that most of the young guys don't know what you are talking
about when you mention double clutching. I've run half a race with no
clutch at all after the slave blew out, just shifting by ear and double
down - a very useful skill.
I am glad to hear one of our MG brethren asking the question - no
embarrassment needed - best to learn on someone else's car, mind you......
when you
get really good, we'll teach you the secret handshake......