Those are the Sabrina overriders. Those were on the '74s. And I've
actually seen them on a '72. There were a bit much.
When I had my '72, I took the regular overriders off. wrote:
>>Am I the only person in the world that actually likes the look of the
>>rubber bumper MGB's? To me, they give the car a bit more of a cleaner,
>>more modern appearance. Of course, just my opinion <g>
>>Alan Harriman
>>1980 MGB
> No, you are not the *only*... but probably in the minority. IMO, the chrome
> bumper B's have the more classic look. But, considering the times (take a
> at what was being made in the late 70's by other auto manufacturers), the
> rubber bumper B's were not a bad compromise.
> As mentioned, the extra ride height does seem to help us old fogeys get in &
> out of their MG's a little easier.
> Now, what model year had the ugly 'boxing gloves' attached to the bumpers?
> anyone keep *those* monstrosities on their MG? ;>)
> Eric Russell
> Mebane, NC
> 1978 MGB
> 1960 MGA
______ Paul T. Root
/ _ \ 1977 MGB
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