A lot of people misunderstand the difference between fog and driving lights.
That is where you get idiots driving around in thier Dodge Rams with thier fog
and driving lights on all day (Geez, get some viagra and deal with your real
problem.) The Fog light beam is meant to be a wide and short beam that lights
up the roadway directly in the path of your vehicle so you can see where the
road is on a very foggy night. Driving lights are very narrow and very long to
illuminate the roadway ahead of fo the times you are overdriving your standard
headlights. In this case you would have fog lights. Another way to think of the
beams is to picture a pencil laying sideways in front of you, that is the fog
beam. The pencil that points out in front of you is the driving light.
One other thing about fog light palcement is I believe they are meant to be
placed low, under the usual bumper height (could be wrong here).
MonteMorris <mmorris@nemr.net> wrote:
The lights were sold by Sears and made in Japan. They're mounted on top of
bumper, and seem to shine more down and off to the sides of the road-are these
driving or fog lights? They were installed by the previous owner. Since the
last post, I've looked for pictures of them on the net, and it looks as if they
are a standard H3 halogen bulb. Does anyone know if these are normally stocked
by the usual suspects, or should I order online?
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