OK, as usual I have been working all night on the car because today
(Sunday - yawn) is Super Sprint day. Who needs sleep anyway!
Carbies are in and working (with a little help from my friends) and with
a little bit of cutting and welding on the chassis (courtesy of tearing
the big sway bar out at my last sprint).
The bad news is that we have had record rain for most of the week
(floods and landslides - but hey, the dams are full now at least) and
although there was sunshine and no rain on Saturday there are showers
predicted for Sunday. I perversley enjoy the odd chance I get to drive
on a wet track but the soggy outfield worries me because this is where
you get the chance to roll your car - sliding across the hard and dusty
grassed/gravel runoff is fine, but boggy ground is not. I guess I
should try and stay on the black stuff, eh?
We rarely get a wet track which always amazes people when they learn
that we run our competition season through Winter as it is simply too
hot in Summer.
Once again I hit the track with very little (actually NO) testing and
still coming to terms with rear disc brakes and new negative camber
front end.
Oh well, if only I can control the "red mist" I will be able to use this
day as a test day while still trying to stay in the championship. If I
had missed this weekend's competition I would have been out of the
champiuonship all together so there is nothing to do except give it a
"red hot go".
I will let you know how it all goes (unless it goes very badly and then
I may not).
At last - back behind the wheel where I do a darn sight better than I do
under the bonnet/hood/big flap over the engine.
Adelaide, South Australia
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