Before cutting anything you need to determine whether the front is too high
or the rear too low first! Complaints about *rear* springs giving too high
a rear height are legion these days, less so the fronts it seems. I don't
know whether this is because fronts are replaced less often or they are
closer to the original specs. When you eventually get round to replacing
your rears having lowered the fronts may well leave it standing on its nose.
And ending up with a front ride height which leaves the steering arms other
than horizontal is said to cause bump-steer problems. Typically a 73 will
be around 14.5 inches measured between the centre of the wheel hub and the
bottom of the bright trim strip. What are your measurements all round? and clicking on 'Ride
Height' you can see a selection of heights from around the world.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Zach Dorsch" <>
To: "MG LIST" <>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 9:03 PM
Subject: Lowering/Leveling '73 B
> I rebuilt the front end on my B about 2 years ago, but have only recently
noticed how much higher the frontend sits than the rear; difference of 2"
at least. As new rear leaf springs are to expensive of an option rigth now,
so I plan cut off one of the coils...