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MGA running temp.

To: "MG List" <>
Subject: MGA running temp.
From: "Danny Varnado" <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 20:28:58 -0500
Good news and bad news.  After trying many suggestions to get the MGB engine
to run cooler in my MGA, I "T"ed into the heater hoses and placed a auxiliary
heater core behind the front bumper with a louvered panel to divert the air
through the core.  Worked great. the temp. dropped down to 185F.  While
cruising down I-10 in OD at about 70mph I was feeling great for having solved
this nagging problem when  I got a wiff of antifreeze.  Suddenly I was running
from a cloud of steam.  I killed the engine and got to the side of the road.
Murphy's law had struck again.  The rear freeze plug on the back side of the
engine had popped out.  New question. Will the core plugs G.G. Causey has
mentioned work in that location, or do I have to pull the engine?
Danny Varnado 58 MGA, 78 MGB

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