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Re: temp guage question

To: Don Vierling <>
Subject: Re: temp guage question
From: Paul Root <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 12:11:54 -0500
I think you can just apply power to the gauge and it should register. If
not, it's bad. I know that's true of the fuel gauge.

If that works, move on to the wiring. Apply power at the sender end 
(by-pass the sender).

If that works, it's the sender, if not, bad wiring.

Don Vierling wrote:

> My temperature gauge hasn't worked since I bought my car.  Can someone
> point me in the right direction for trouble shooting?  Does the sender
> go bad, the gauge go bad, the wiring go bad or is it a combination of
> many different variables?  Any advice greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Donny V
> 1978 MGB

    ______      Paul T. Root
   /    _ \     1977 MGB
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