Another web site that has not been visited by its designers!! I found the
TSO web site but there are no addresses, no telephone numbers, no email, no
nothing - I was going to give them a big donation but obviously they do not
want to know!
At 01:21 PM 2/9/2004, Bob Howard wrote:
> Sacred Octagon; the sucessor mag to British Car; and a posting to all
>the car clubs you can think of are my suggestions. Putting its details
>onto this list with a request for help selling it might be worthwhile
>On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 14:55:11 -0600 "jimmydunn" <>
> > Hello,
> >
> > I need some advice on selling my 52 MG TD.
> > Where would be the best places to spend my
> > advertising budget, such as magazines, internet
> > sites,etc. Also if you know of any free places to
> > advertise please let me know.
> > I have had this TD for past 7 years and it is in
> > top condition, red with tan int, priced at $15,900.00.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jim Dunn
> > Birmingham, Alabama
Barrie Robinson