Aaron is in Washington state, where they don't salt. Sand, maybe.
on 2/4/04 2:54 PM, Tab Julius at tab@penworks.com wrote:
> Even if the weather's nice (and usually it's only a rare day in February
> when I can put the top down), I won't take the B out unless it's recently
> rained (to wash the salt off the road) or it's been a long time since a
> snow and I have access to a car wash. Unless you're lucky enough (from a
> classic car point of view) to live in a place where they don't salt the
> roads, the salt you get by taking the B for a drive to a ski mountain is
> deadly. If you must, make it a point to wash the car down thoroughly, with
> great care to include the underside. Otherwise you'll rust the poor thing
> out in no time.
> - Tab
> At 03:00 PM 2/4/04, Aaron Whiteman wrote:
>> Hopefully not any time soon.
>> This weekend, I am taking a short drive (3 hours) to Sandpoint ID to
>> ski for a couple days. I want to do this at least a few more times
>> before the end of the year. Spring can wait for all I care.
>> I am driving the B. If the ski is blue, I have ski gear and will drive
>> without the hood too.
>> We have 3 inches on the ground, no new snow in the past 3 days.
Max Heim (former Oregonian, never sees snow now)
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the primer red one with chrome wires