The North American MGB Register has a special registry for 74 1/2s -- their
website should give you a number.
on 1/12/04 6:22 PM, John Swiney at wrote:
> I've been reading this newsgroup for about five years and I was wondering if
> anybody knew about how many 74 1/2 MGB GT's (Rubber Bumper) were left in the
> states. I've had one four about 14years. I think their interesting cars since
> not that many came to North America. They still had the twin SU's and all. I
> restored mine completely about ten yrs. ago. Took it to a show and won 1st
> place. I never drive it in the rain and its only on the road in the summers.
> I live in WV and it gets pretty cold after Nov. But I really enjoy driving it
> in the summer. I average about 400 miles a year. I've owned about 20 B's in my
> life time mostly roadsters about three GT's.
> 68 mgb
> 69 mgb
> 74 1/2 mgbgt
> thanks John S.
Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the primer red one with chrome wires