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Re: Rostyle cleaning

To: MGS <>
Subject: Re: Rostyle cleaning
From: Eric <>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 21:30:43 +1030
David Councill wrote:
> I took all my rostyle wheels to a local place that makes headstones and
> they sandblasted them for me at a cost of about $5 USD per wheel. 

It is interesting.  I rang a place today that said they would sandblast
them for around $AU15.00 a wheel (what is that these days, $US10/12??)
but he would only stick to that price as long at they weren't
powdercoated (which of course they are).

He then proceeded to tell me how he hates powdercoating but wouldn't expand.

So I guess to remove all the powdercoating would take extra time/effort
- and of course you can't just remove the black paint and rubbish
leaving the gray powdercoat intact.

I may be looking at the suggested paintstripper/solvent method
especially as I picked these wheels up fairly cheaply and that
sandblasting (with the "powdercoat penalty") would cost me more than I
paid for them in the first place!

Adelaide, South Australia

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