Problem: Speedometer on 1968 MGB has suddenly ceased functioning.
1. Speedometer cable is removed from right angle connector on back of
2. Inner drive cable turns in both directions and effortlessly.
3. Inner drive cable does not turn whilst the MGB is in reverse or forward
1. If inner cable spins while connected to the gearbox then cable at some point
must be severeved as you would be incapale of turning due to its connection to
plastic gear in the gear box.
2. Perhaps the gear somehow floats in the gearbox untill placed in gear.
2. If cable not severed then the plastic gear (name??) inside the gear box is
sheared and not engaged thus allowing cable to turn.
Further observations:
1. End of speedo cable is sheared off and found inside of the right angle
connector on the gear box. There is approximatly 1/4 inch protruding from the
right angle connector.
2. Right angle connector and gear removed from gearbox. Inspection of the right
angle drive and the plastic gear show no obvious wear.
1. Why did cable shear at this point?
2. Did something bind that needs to be repaired.
3. Could plastic gear have somehow jammed and caused cable to break.
4. What besides refitting new cable sholud be considered.
Thanks in advance,
John 1968 MGB
1. Why did cable shear off at