Mark and Gerry,
I remember reading your posts about HIF overflow problems but couldn't
remember the exact symptoms you were having and hadn't converted from ZS to
HIF at that point so I didn't pay close enough attention. But now I have
done the conversion (on a desmogged 79B with charcoal canisters plumbed to
the carbs), and am having the problems described below. I'd like to have
your take on the problem. I have queried the list about this problem and
have a list of about 5 things to check in the next few days. I haven't been
able to get to the garage yet, but thought I would add your comments to my
list of possible solutions if the symptoms below sound familiar.
Earlier, I thought (incorrectly according to listers) that the floats were
sticking and causing flooding so I took the carbs back off and readjusted
the floats.
>From the following clues, I believe the car is flooding out, but need to
pinpoint the problem:
1. To get it started, I have to crank on it some but cannot touch the
accelerator or the choke and it will finally start.
2. I smell gas fumes.
3. Once it starts, I have to baby the accelerator in order to keep it
running; giving it hardly any gas at all will cause it to die until it runs
for a minute or so. The tach is steady and doesn't flutter while running.
4. Once I get it running, it will seem to run fine at high RPMs but struggle
and die when at idle. It will then not start until I let it sit for a while,
and then it will repeat the above.
5. When it starts, it leaves a black mist (presumably gasoline and carbon)
on the garage floor from the tail pipe.
6. The carbs will backfire some (especially the front one at start up) while
reving the engine.
7. After I turn the car off (or it dies), a stream of white smoke flows from
the carbs for about a minute and there is liquid gas on the air filter side
of the air piston (my finger will be wet when I wipe it here).
8. The fuel pump keeps slowly clicking when the key is turned on but the
engine is not started.
9. I unplugged the carb overflow pipe at the carb and gas ran out (this
pipe IS hooked up to the charcoal canisters)
I know you said something about a carb vent that was plugged with a cap and
wouldn't let the carb fill. Could you also be more specific on where you
found this plug? Paul Hunt mentioned that one possible cause might be a
blocked vent.
Thanks all,