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Re: alternator

To: "mghirsch" <>, "mg" <>
Subject: Re: alternator
From: "Paul Hunt \(T\)" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 10:10:00 -0000
I've been an occasional jumper and jumpee several times over many years,
almost always Lucas, and never had a problem, but unplugging on the
recipient is no big deal, except I'd rather plug it back in with the engine
stopped, which means running it for a while still plugged in to the donor to
make sure it restarts!  Theoretically there is less 'strain' on the
alternator of the recipient than the donor, and it is usual to have the
donor running at the time.


----- Original Message -----
From: "mghirsch" <>
To: "mg" <>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 8:38 PM
Subject: re: alternator

> I have heard enough anectodal to suggest that the Lucas alternators will
> bad if jumped.  I always unplug the alternator before jumping it.  It
takes 5
> seconds and is good insurance.

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