Question from last time:
Im hoping theres someone out
there that has the specs for the crankshaft tolerences for a1622 mga motor.
I was pawing through my manual and it does not provide the thrustwasher
Ok, thrust washers came into today and crank is in the motor.
a combination of standard
and .005 gave me .003 tolerence. Thankyou everyone for help with correct
clearence numbers on my last question.
The new question: The split pin small end connecting
rod torque tolerence is 25lbs
according to the manual. I confused the gudgeon or lower rod end bearing
tolerance and made the split pin 35lbs.
Does anyone think I have caused a reason to be concerned
for reliability for over tightening by 10lbs of torque? The small end
conncting rod split pin bolt were brand new and made of better qualiy then
the originals.
The other question I have is do most of you engine
rebuilders for this vintage engine recommend loctite for these applications
on split pin and gudgeon pin to keep the bolts from coming out.
There was a new split washer on the small end connecting
rods and mainbearing caps but Im wondering if its throwing my torque wrench
readings out of spec when tightening.
I apologize for seeming so anal about all of this, Im just
trying to do the best job I can so
I dont turn this block into a boat anchor.
Im sure a lot of you more experienced engine guys dont
mind helping out a guy trying to improve my skill level. Anyway thanks again
any help is appreciated.
Steve D