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Re: air filters

To: "MonteMorris" <>, "Max Heim"
Subject: Re: air filters
From: "Telewest \(PH\)" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 13:18:38 -0000
The final mixture adjustments *should* be made with the air cleaners in
place.  With HIFs this should be easy (although I only have those on my V8
and not the roadster) but with HSs how difficult this may be might depend on
the size of your hands and strength of your fingers in the absence of a
suitable spanner/wrench.  Adding filters *does* tend to richen the mixture
but it shouldn't make that much difference.  But if adding the filters had
made the mixture overly rich it would be more likely to start and run with
*no* choke, although use of the choke may have flooded it causing it to
stall when pushed in so losing the fast idle.  I'd recheck the mixture, if
not the balance as well, and choke setting although there is not much you
can do with an HIF choke apart from the fast idle.  You should always have
the ignition correct before tuning the valves, not the other way round.  If
there is a big difference in the jet heights this indicates something is
wrong with one or other carb, IME it has always been quite close to the 'two
turns down from flush' starter setting.  Even if the mixture seems correct
at idle it may be way off at wider throttle openings.


----- Original Message -----
From: "MonteMorris" <>
To: "Max Heim" <>; "MG List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 4:58 AM
Subject: Re: air filters

>  As  soon as I thought I had the carbs tuned, I
> backed the timing down to 10 degrees BTDC at 1500 RPM as the specs for the
> 79 call for. I then retuned the carbs. I took it out for a 5 mile spin,
> it is real "doggy". I'll check the choke mechanism first. Looking down at
> the jets, the front carb's jet is significantly higher than the rear's.

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