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RE: Vintage License Plates - now OT, red light cameras

To: <>
Subject: RE: Vintage License Plates - now OT, red light cameras
From: "Gordie's Garage" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 21:38:20 -0500
Check out the National Motorists Assoc., they are
trying to fight the cameras, and much more.

Safety Fast!
Gordie Bird
62 MGA
67 BGT

> Max Heim SEZ -
> > "Wholly unnecessary front plates"?
> >
> > Apparently you don't have traffic light cameras in Ohio... yet.
> Alas, not all change is progress.  Has anybody fought these things
> on constitutional grounds, ie the inability to confront the witness
> against you in court. Or the fining of the vehicle owner instead of the
> driver, the fact that these cameras are run by private contractors
> for profit, the fact that municipalities with these cameras invariably
> *decrease* the duration of the yellow light to increase revenue,
> etc., etc.  There seem to be no end of lawyers ready to sue innocent
> people and businesses for trumped up "liability" claims, but who is
> going to step up and defend drivers' rights?  If I had the money I'd
> put together a case that would rival the NAACP's Rosa Parks suit.
> --
> David Breneman
> Distributed Systems Software Analyst
> DHL/Airborne Express
> 3101 Western Avenue
> Seattle, WA 98121
> Phone:        +1-206-830-4253
> Fax:  +1-206-830-4432

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