My experience has been that leaking brake MCs will leak down the pedal
and leave a drip on the floor. Use a paper towel, wipe the pedal and see
if there is damp. If you find it, remove the cover over the MCs and look
at the end of the MC, just to be sure that it's not a pipe connection
that is leaking.
Rebuilding the dual-system non-servo brake MC isn't worth the effort,
in my opinion, though I can't claim any particular expertise, having done
it only three times to the same MC. After those efforts, I bought a new
one. It leaked as copiously as my rebuilts. The vendor exchanged it for
another one. The second new one leaks too. Walmart has good prices on
paper towels.
But be of good cheer--rebuilding the clutch MC is likely to be more
On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 18:15:50 -0700 (PDT) "Paul M."
<> writes:
> My 1971 MGB is losing fluid from both the brake and
> clutch reservoirs. Somewhat slowly, but also somewhat
> increasingly. My suspicion is that it's the master
> cylinders.
> What is the current consensus on rebuilding vs.
> replacing the master cylinders? Repair kits are so
> cheap, but I'm going to be vintage racing this car and
> I want to make sure the brakes are better than
> tip-top. Any thoughts? And am I correct in assuming
> that if I rebuild/replace the clutch master cylinder I
> should also rebuild/replace the slave, whether it
> seems to need it or not?
> Thanks in advance,
> =====
> Paul Misencik
> 1971 MGB Vintage Race Project
> Huntersville, NC USA