Tab Julius wrote:
> Although I said that if I push the engine (say 3500+ rpms), and I can
> trigger it starting, and it will continue to plague me for the trip,
> what I perhaps didn't make clear is that it will do this even at lower
> speeds. In other words, I get on the highway - hit 80 mph (about 3600
> rpm, I think, in overdrive), maybe a couple of minutes into this it
> feels like I'm running low on gas - speed might drop to 60, or if it's
> really doing poor, might drop down to 30 m.p.h. (or worse). I put the
> hazards on, get into the breakdown lane, and chug along. Flooring the
> gas does nothing, sometimes coming up off the gas actually relieves it
> a bit.
Sounds very much like the little wire in the distributer is broken
internally. As the point plate moves in the distributer, the circut will
be made and then broken. I've never had this problem in an MG, but on an
old Land-Rover.
Stephen West-Fisher
Coastal Data Systems