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Re: Virus from list member?

Subject: Re: Virus from list member?
From: Eric <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:29:07 +1030
Glenn Schnittke wrote:
> No matter how insulated a computer system may seem, if the operating system
> allows for data input, it is susceptible to viruses. All of the comments
> from Mac drivers are wind, too, as I have had to fix Macs with viruses as
> well as deal with infected linux boxes.
> Macs just crash differently, and generally don't get virussed because they
> only comprise 3% of the computer world.

Well, I was thinking of a comeback - but it seems you answered yourself.

The only time I (or generally any Mac user) says - "it isn't me because
I use a Mac" is because the virus in question is written to effect a
Windows machine.  How do I know I have not got: W32.Sobig.F@mm,
W32.Welchia.Worm, W32.Blaster.Worm, W32.Bugbear.B@mm, W32.Mimail.A@mm,
W32.HLLW.Fizzer@mm ?.   I have a Mac!

Now, off the top of your head, name me a few Mac virii I have to be
worried about spreading around to list members?

This 3% incorrect figure that is snarled with such disdain doesn't
really worry many Mac users - ummm, "who cares" comes to mind.  Mac
users are using powerful, easy to use, NEW technology - we are not
jealous of the problems that others suffer by using old technology (as
MG owners, the Mac users on this list even sympathise/empathise :-)
except that it effects our overall Internet use by clogging bandwith. 
We just wish Windows users were smarter to protect themselves from
spreading this garbage on "everyone's" Internet - and that Microsoft
would invest a few of its considerable dollars in investigating and
plugging all the security holes in its products BEFORE the hackers find
them for them.

If you want to throw around "3%" - we will throw around "virii".  I know
which one *I* prefer to be "lumbered" with :-)

Adelaide, South Australia

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