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Re: LEERT quick 1st draft design

To: Stephen West-Fisher <>
Subject: Re: LEERT quick 1st draft design
From: Tab Julius <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 09:18:36 -0400
You're both right or wrong :)

There's both additive and subtractive methods of displaying color (light 
vs. printing).  In additive, Red Green and Blue are combined.  The presence 
of all three in full equal measure would give you white.  The absence of 
them would give you black.  This is what you most likely learned in school 
with the color wheel.

In subtractive, used for printing, cyan, magenta, and yellow are the 
colors.  The presence of all three in full measure would give you something 
close to black (actually it's an off-black, so a literal black ink is often 
used).  The absence of all three would give you nothing (white, if you were 
printing on white); basically no additional color/ink.

So you can both claim correctness. :)

At 08:50 AM 8/20/03, Stephen West-Fisher wrote:
>>>Bold use of color!
>>>That's not a color, but the absence of ALL colors.
>>I always thought it was the PRESENCE of all colors...
>Nope, that's white.

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