Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. Went out last night to work
on the car and it started up on the first crank. (Isn't that always the
way?) Checked everything I could with a running engine. But when it
dies again, I want to be prepared. Does any of this change when you've
converted to negative ground? Rather not electrocute myself. Thanks in
67 Roadster
On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 08:21 AM,
> Joseph -
> It sounds like a coil to me, but here's a simple check.
> Next time it dies or won't start, unhook the negative lead
> from the coil and hook a test lamp between it and + (you can
> use any fuesebox terminal that has power with the key on).
> Crank it over.
> If the test lamp flashes, the problem is at the coil end of
> things. If the test lamp either stays on all the time or
> stays off all the time, the problem is in the distributor
> (points, condenser, or internal leads).
> If the test lamp blinks, move the + lead from the source you
> were using to the + terminal on the coil (which you have
> thus far left alone). Crank it over again. If the test
> lamp blinks, it's probably the coil. If the test lamp stays
> dark, the coil isn't getting power from the ignition switch.
> Start tracing back to see if it's a break in the wiring or
> a bum ignition switch.
> Hope that helps...
> Chris K.
> Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 21:33:16 -0400
> From: Joseph Cianciotti <>
> Subject: Car won't start, dies, or runs fine (Please help)
> Some days my car starts and runs fine.
> Some days it starts and then dies suddenly, like someone
> just pulled
> the plug. And then won't restart.
> And some days the car won't start at all. The fuel pump
> clicks away,
> fuel fills the (clear) filter, the engine cranks, but just
> refuses to
> start. There's the smell of gasoline from the exhaust. So
> fuel's
> getting in there, it's just not burning.
> I pulled and reattached the leads to the coil. Then it
> started. It
> started again the next morning. But wouldn't start in the
> afternoon. So
> I checked the lead from the coil to the distributor, and
> there didn't
> appear to be a spark. My guess is the coil is on its way
> out. (Do they
> go bad?) Any other ideas before I start replacing things?
> I've got a Petronix electronic ignition, fairly new leads
> and plugs,
> and the distributor cap and rotor look good (no cracks or
> evidence of
> arcing).
> Please help. My wife's is getting tired of having to share a
> car.
> Thanks in advance,
> Joseph
> 67 MGB Roadster
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