James Nazarian wrote:
> I have always followed one rule: He who has the bigger car wins. I always
> try to avoid being in a situation where I can get hit by something larger
> then me. When I was driving my 85 Ram pickup I used to joke about people
> cutting me off etc because that ram would cream them, and I didn't have much
> to lose in it.
> BTW, a bike is not a bad thing, it can out accelerate and out maneuver just
> about anything on the road. Once upon a time, I passed a dump truck on my
> bike; I passed on a 2 lane road on the left. We got stopped at a light and
> the guy got out of the truck and told me that if I ever passed him again he
> would run me over. I challenged him to do so, but funny thing was he
> couldn't seem to keep up when the light turned green.
> I don't support giant cars for the sake of safety, nor do I support driving
> recklessly on the streets, but on the roads there is a pecking order, as
> long as you know where you stand, most of the time you are ok. I definitely
> spend the majority of my time, as many of us do, in the small but
> maneuverable segment.
The only thing I would add to that is that it can be gratifying to also be
a licensed firearms person. :)
Really keeps people polite.
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