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RE: shipping a project

To: <>
Subject: RE: shipping a project
From: "Patton Dickson" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 17:32:16 -0600
I would think the biggest problem is the parts.  How much are loose, and
how are they packed?  An open hauler would have trouble with a car that
has loose parts, and probably wouldn't want the liability of theft or
something falling off.  

When I moved to Houston the hauler my company hired wouldn't let me
store any parts outside of the locked trunk in my Corvair.
Specifically, nothing in the passenger compartment where anyone could
see it.  I did get to load my Sprite down when I moved to Dallas 6 years
ago, but they packed it in the moving van with all of my stuff, so they
would have had the parts anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:39 PM
Subject: shipping a project

I am looking to purchase a project car.  It is apart and not running.
There will be a rolling chassis and parts.  The car is 30 hours away.
Any experience or suggestions on shipping this car?  The owner wants
easy and I want cheap.  Are the 2 mutually exclusive.


59 MGA

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