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Re: Wanted: Chrome wire wheels for MGA

Subject: Re: Wanted: Chrome wire wheels for MGA
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:39:30 -0800 (PST)
james SEZ -
> They are intended for folks that drive their cars a lot.  A tubed tire will
> build up more heat (and retain it) then a tubeless one.  It also allows you
> to remove one, often problematic, part from the whole car equation.  As with
> most things people are very slow to accept change in something that has gone
> unchanged for long periods of time, but I personally think that they are it.

I've never had any problems with inner tubes myself, and have been
saved 3 times by them (twice in my old MGB and once in my BMW
1800-02/ti) when I suffered catastrophic tread breakdowns which
would have been blowouts in a tubeless tire, but with the tube I was
able to limp to a safe stop on the shoulder.  In the BMW, I was able to
drive almost a half mile off a bridge with no shoulders and onto a side

I just thought somebody ought to stick up for the lowly inner tube. 
I've always considered tube a positive on the safety front.


David Breneman                   | "Before there were CDs there were
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst  |  records, and before there were
Airborne Express, Inc.           |  records, there were 78s."      |                  --- Seen on eBay

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