Your MGB will mostly use SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) fine
threads. You will seldom need sizes much larger than 3/8 inch. Sizes
under 1/4 inch can be BA rather then SAE fine. For example British
Association screws were still found on the carbs and distributer.
True Value has their own brand of tap & die called Master Mechanic. I
have in my hand a SAE coarse 14-20 tap with the correct #10 drill still
in the package. You can purchase these taps with the correct drill for
$4.35. At least that's what the sticker on the one I have says.
I would suggest that if the MGB is all you're going to work on, then
purchase a good quality SAE fine set from 1/4 to 1/2 inch. But, I don't
think that's easy to find. So, perhaps the cheapest alternative is
purchase the componenets individually and start with 1/4 to 3/8 by 16ths
. I would also get a set of 2 BA tap and die from a MG supplier. This
is fairly common on the carbs and distributer.
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